Flying Buddha Air next to the Himalayas from Kathmandu to Pohkara. Photo: Eddie Shieh.

Gathering local stream water for mixing concrete. Photo: Craig Ellsworth.

Typical Nepalese houses use stones to prevent wind uplift of the metal roofs.

Flying Buddha Air next to the Himalayas from Kathmandu to Pohkara. Photo: Eddie Shieh.
Habitat for Humanity Global Village trip to Pohkara, Nepal
Flying in a Buddha Air prop plane alongside the Annapurna massif of the Himalayas, the volunteer team arrived in Pohkara, Nepal’s second-largest city. The jobsite was located in the nearby district of Hemja.
The team dug trenches, poured the concrete columns, in-filled the subfloor with stone aggregate, started on the concrete block walls, and finished off the construction of the septic pit behind the house.
The home was built for a trio of women: a married woman, her mother and her daughter. Not atypical for these communities, the husband worked in India and only returned home approximately once every two or three years.
The two-week build was snipped a bit short due to a national fuel crisis that also unfortunately cancelled the massive Jimmy and Roslyn Carter Work Project scheduled two weeks later. One hundred bamboo houses would have been built by 1,500 international volunteers in a week. So the effort to build more low-income housing continues.
Trip leader(s):
October 2015
Hemja, Western Region, Nepal
William McCabe
Bishnu, Rita, and Vidhya